Policy to promote diversity
So that employees are able to enjoy their lifestyle of choice, CRE seeks to be a company that empowers employees to fully demonstrate diverse points of view, capabilities and experiences and thrive regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, age, presence or absence of disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other attribute or status.
Programs to encourage active participation by women in the workplace
As part of diversity management, we will promote active participation by women in the workplace. Many women work at logistics facilities developed by CRE, and our goal is to create an environment that is welcoming to women and where they can take on greater responsibility, which will deepen the impact of women’s perspectives and ideas on operations. As of July 2024, four women held management positions, for a ratio of just 6.9%, so there is room for improvement. But first, we must boost the percentage of women in new graduate and mid-career recruitment to raise the ratio of salaried, female employees, and then vigorously promote employee development programs to increase the number of women in management positions.

Childcare support efforts
Since listing its shares in 2015, CRE has recorded a 100% return-to-work ratio for female employees who take maternity or childcare leave. To help employees with young children balance work and private life, we strive to create an environment that makes it easier to maintain a career and allows employees to better demonstrate their capabilities. We accomplish this through various approaches, including the introduction of systems for shorter work days and staggered shifts to provide more flexibility in working hours and a switch to flexible job content after a return to the office matched to employee preferences.

Wider hiring of disabled and support for active participation
CRE enables employees with a disability to thrive in jobs and workplaces matched to respective aptitude and ability. In Japan, companies over a certain size are required by law to have at least a certain percentage of its workforce represented by people with physical disabilities. As of July 2024 the employment rate was 3.0%, above the mandatory rate. We are committed to raising this rate from two both the hiring side, adding more people with disabilities to our employee population, and the support side, creating a workplace environment that promotes active participation.

Support for mid-career hires
At CRE, we have actively recruited human resources who, with diverse values and multifaceted perspectives, drive the innovation needed to make logistics real estate more user-friendly by demonstrating unique skills based on personal experience and capabilities. To help mid-career hires adapt to on-site operations and fully demonstrate their capabilities, we offer various support programs, including training to promote awareness of corporate culture and in-house rules, regular meetings, and access to career change opportunities after joining the Company.

Hiring practices that look beyond Japan
We actively recruit new graduates and mid-career employees with foreign nationality and global experience and plan to expand recruitment going forward to realize rapid growth in our overseas business pursuits. We fairly assess and promote employees having diverse skills, experience and values who are willing and capable for the assigned work, regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, age, presence or absence of disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other attribute or status.