Basic Policy on CSR
Efforts to fulfill corporate social responsibility are based on our management philosophy of Ei - Toku - Kan (Eternal - Virtue - Cycle).
The activities of the CRE Group are guided by the concepts of Ei - Toku - Kan (Eternal - Virtue - Cycle), which underpin our management philosophy.
Ei (Eternal) represents a position that constantly contributes to social progress. Toku (Virtue) is a quality that promotes actions that consider benefit to others and to society. Kan (Cycle) reflects a priority on connections to society and the creation of a circular society. Consequently, CSR activities on their own will link directly to business activities.
The CRE Group always faces up to corporate social responsibility by engaging in CSR activities through business activities.
Examples of Environmentally Conscious Activities in Development Business

Logistics facilities developed by CRE have captured five stars in BELS evaluation.
The Building-Housing Energy-Efficiency Labeling System (BELS) is a third-party certification system that objectively evaluates and discloses the energy-saving performance of buildings based on global standards. CRE promotes its development business with the environment in mind, substantiated by efforts to obtain BELS certification when new logistics facilities move into the construction phase.
Solar Panel Installation
In the development of a logistics facility, we installed solar panels on the building roof. This installation covers a total area of about 23,000 tsubo, or about 1.6 times the size of the Tokyo Dome baseball stadium, and boasts output of a little over 8MWh.
Soil Remediation Measures
CRE draws on the strengths of EnBio Holdings, a Group company, and actively applies an in-situ soil remediation technique noted for its low cost, short process period and low environmental impact. We are working to reduce environmental impact.
Use of Well Water
[As a CO2 measure]
Conscious of the environment and saving energy, we use well water for uchimizu —an old custom of sprinkling water to settle dust and ease the heat of summer—on the rooftops of logistics facilities as a way to lower interior temperatures.[As an emergency measure, such as in times of disaster]
If water supply is cut off, well water can be used for daily use. We consider citizens living nearby, as well, and have the ability to provide drinking water to about 1,000 people.
Installation of LED Lighting
We have installed LED lighting inside all facilities to reduce power consumption
Promoting Greenery
We design green spaces within facility grounds and promote development with the environment in mind.
Exteriors with High Thermal Insulation Performance
For exterior walls, we use metal insulating panels, which are maintenance-free for 20 years, and by cutting facility lifecycle costs, we help to reduce CO2 emissions.
Water-Saving Toilet and Sink System
To conserve precious water resources, we use a water-saving toilet and sink system inside our facilities.

Installation of LED Lighting
We have installed LED lighting inside all facilities to reduce power consumption

Promoting Greenery
We design green spaces within facility grounds and promote development with the environment in mind.

Exteriors with High Thermal Insulation Performance
For exterior walls, we use metal insulating panels, which are maintenance-free for 20 years, and by cutting facility lifecycle costs, we help to reduce CO2 emissions.

Water-Saving Toilet and Sink System
To conserve precious water resources, we use a water-saving toilet and sink system inside our facilities.
Coexisting with the Community
Local Job Creation
Through facility development, CRE creates employment for several hundred people at each facility. In this way, we contribute to active local communities.
Helping to Preserve History
During development of a logistics facility in the city of Hanno, Saitama Prefecture, the site of settlement with 74 dwellings from the Jomon Period—about 5,000 years ago—was unearthed. The site would not have been found had it not been for facility construction. Having made this historical discovery, CRE became involved in the administrative side of excavation work and record-keeping and participated in site tours and information meetings.
University Lectures
We run lectures at Sophia University and Meiji University to help promote a better understanding of logistics today and in the future and to develop human resources.
Joint Efforts with Social Contribution Organizations
We run lectures for children at Backers Terakoya, a private academy funded by the Backers Foundation and provided rice as well as mid-summer and end-of-year gifts to Kodomo Shokudo (children’s cafeteria), a project to feed disadvantaged children in Japan.
Part of Welfare Activities
We offer in-house sales of products by Chocolabo, an organization that employees people with disabilities, and collect used stamps for donation.
Green Finance
J-REIT specialized in logistics facilities and leveraging the collective capabilities of the CRE Group “CRE logistics REIT, Inc.” has issued its investment corporation bonds ("Green Bonds" or "CRE Green Bonds").
University Lectures
We run lectures at Sophia University and Meiji University to help promote a better understanding of logistics today and in the future and to develop human resources.
Joint Efforts with Social Contribution Organizations
We provided rice as well as mid-summer and end-of-year gifts to Backers Terakoya, a private academy funded by the Backers Foundation, and Kodomo Shokudo (children’s cafeteria), a project to feed disadvantaged children in Japan.
Part of Welfare Activities
We offer in-house sales of products by Chocolabo, an organization that employees people with disabilities, and collect used stamps for donation.
Green Finance
J-REIT specialized in logistics facilities and leveraging the collective capabilities of the CRE Group “CRE logistics REIT, Inc.” has issued its investment corporation bonds ("Green Bonds" or "CRE Green Bonds").